Online Marketing Strategies - Money Journal

How to Increase Email Open Rates With a 5 Second Hack | M2M Episode 9

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In episode 9, I’m going to give you some email marketing tips that will double your open rate.

Let’s go.

Understand HOW people open their emails

Email marketing is powerful stuff. But if no one’s opening your emails, then what’s the point?

When you get an email, you look at 2 things:

The name and the subject line.

If you recognize the person or company, then your eyes move to the subject line. If it seems interesting, you open the email newsletter.

Otherwise, you swipe right on your phone to mark as read.


I’ve seen some people even use “Newsletter” as their “from” name. Use your real name instead of a generic company name.

Email is a personal place, so keep it personal.

With your email subject line, you want to peak curiosity or give something that sounds unbelievable.

One of the emails I sent had the subject line:

“I lost $6,000. This is awkward…”

This email got a 45% open rate.

Derek Halpern is awesome at writing subject lines. Check these out:

“So I had a weird conversation.”

“Don’t spend one cent on business cards…ever”

“Are you ready to laugh?”

They all peak curiosity. What was weird? How can I get free business cards? What’s so funny?

Using intrigue based headlines generally gives me a 30-35% open rate.

How do you get even higher email open rates?


You send a follow-up email to the people who didn’t open your email with a personalized subject line.

I did a free training series for my premium lead generation program. From that segment, 58.2% of the 306 people opened the email.

3 days later, I sent a follow-up email to the people who didn’t read it. Check out the subject line, “The subscriber’s first name, did you get the training?”

So if I were to get it, I’d see:

“Sam, did you get the training?”

37.7% of those people opened it.

This gave me a total open rate of 71.9%.

So should you use this strategy with every email you send out?

No way…you’ll burn your list way too fast.

Use it for your important emails to get better open rates. But remember…with great power, comes great responsibility.

Now it’s your turn.

This strategy literally takes no effort. Add it to one of your sales funnels and you will make more money. I know that creating clickable subject lines might seem daunting.

And to make it worse, there are more subject lines than ones that bring out curiosity.

So I gathered over 100 email subject lines so you can use them, modify them and crush it with your email marketing.

Click here to download the complete list of 149 free subject lines that you can use as templates to increase your email open rates.

Let me know in the comments if you’re going to give this a shot. Better yet, DO it and leave a second comment with your results.

Until the next episode, remember to take action, because every minute counts.


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Author: Sam Oh
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